Saturday, July 16, 2011


The nose is just so Goddamn perfect for surprise attacks. It's this big old button just sitting there in the center of your face. Just sitting there begging you to hit it, and it rewards your sucker punch so well. It stings, it bleeds, it makes your eyes get all fuzzy and water up. And when I make contact with this asshat's nose, I realize I really am on a game show. His nose the big red buzzer of victory. I reel my head back and as he tumbles backwards and I feel his snot on my face, like confetti raining down on the set. Raining down on the grand prize winner. He screams in sudden pain and his voice is buzzer heralding my winnings.

I'm the champ.

I choose door number 3 for my big prize. I shove past him towards the last closed door when I see the girl with birds in her eyes walk up the stairs. Douche bag tool, had to ruin everything. I want to stop and stare at her but I hustle past and push on towards door number 3. I grab the handle and throw it wide in record time. I add quick draw champ to my extensive resume. I see darkness at first and I feel the wall on both sides of the door. Groping blindly for a light switch, desperate nervous hands feel frantically for salvation. A teen tries to unhook his first girlfriend's bra. He fails Miserably. I hear the tool shout, "Stop that faggot" and I feel justified. This asshole make's me feel good about myself for first time in awhile. What does that say about him? My eyes focus in the dark and I realize there's no light switch because door number 3 lead outside to a balcony. I step outside and slam the door behind me. I consider my options and make the most logical decision. I shout "Fuck you homophobe!" and dive off the balcony.

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