Friday, December 18, 2009


I crack my neck back and forth and let out a sigh. Back and forth just like the pendulum. I'm not even trying to come off as a total asshole, I'm just that way I guess. I wanted to be drunker anyways. I grab the cheapest biggest can of death and ecstasy I see. A little blanket in a can. If places didn't want to deal with degenerates you would think they'd stop carrying bum wine, cheap tall boys and other swill that purely caters to the desperate looking for warmth and an escape. I place the can down on the counter and I know I'm just reinforcing his prejudices, just reinforcing his programming. His robot fingers punch some buttons and he reads aloud what his screen reads. "A dollar fifty seven please." Wonderful words. I fish out another filthy single and bark at him to convert it all to quarters for me. He mashes more buttons and I wonder how much longer till he and his job becomes fully automated. I giggle and surely creep him out. God, my emotions make me a monster. Tick, Tock, tick, tock.

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