Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I look out towards Lake Union and I notice the sun has started to rise. I hadn't even realized just how late/early it was. I decide to head down Eastlake so that I can find someplace to grab some food and coffee and relax a bit while I figure out what my next course of action is. As its getting lighter out more and more cars seem to wiz by me. I imagine these must be commuters hurrying off to work and I feel relieved to not know what that feels like. I find myself smiling as I walk along and I can't remember the last time that happened. Life has been pretty shitty lately. That pretty much goes for everyone but I'd like to think I'm special. Everyday just seemed like one step further to a complete and utter breakdown of everything I knew. Dropping out of school, getting arrested, getting thrown out, getting dumped, meeting some new just to be dumped again, getting arrested again. Pretty solid streak of shit. A continuing string of terrible terrible coincidences, or maybe consequences. It feels good to be starting fresh. It starts to rain lightly and I crane my neck back, look up to the sky, open my mouth, and stick my tongue out wide. People always joke that when it rains its either God pissing or crying on us. Well the last few months it seems like God has been pissing on me nonstop. Well, here I am walking along trying to catch God's piss on my tongue. A new baptism of golden showers.

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