Monday, December 28, 2009


I'll come back and burn this place to the ground. I gather up my shit and leave a little angrier than how I came in. I take another look down at my hand and try to make out the addresses I've written down. I can't even remember how these listings were described. House, apartment, studio, how high or low the rent is, I can't remember a damn thing. One address is fairly close so I trek on over. I walk about twenty, thirty minutes before I reach the first listing. It's a simple two story house, blue with a white trim. I'm assuming this was a listing for another roommate. I walk up and ring the doorbell. I wait about fifteen seconds the whole time worried about my appearance and the booze on my breath. The door swings open and this tiny skinny blonde fake tanned girl opens the door. I start to make vomiting noises. The longer I look at her the more offended I am by her existence. I hate her. I hate her snobby looking clothes and her put together appearance. I hate her effort. Her faces wrinkles up, makes a pouting sort of noise and she slams the door. I can hear her tiny feet pitter along the floor as she scampers off to call the cops or her boyfriend. Like I'd live with some sorority barbie doll. I would have mutilated myself within minutes of living there. I stand on the front steps and continue to make gagging noises for the next 7 minutes. I can't decide if I'm frustrated or amused by the whole exchange. I settle for frustrated and the pendulum shifts wildly. It's massive movement is swift and terrible. I clench my teeth so hard they hurt. There's only two readable addresses left. The next is about thirty minutes away. My jaw is wired shut with hate and anger. My breath sputters out between chipped teeth like poisonous fumes. I run on booze, judgment, and self loathing. I'm drunk behind the wheel going 400 miles per hour and I cannot wait to crash and burn.

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