Saturday, January 2, 2010


"Can you teach me how to dance like that", she asks with absolutely no hint of judgment in her tone. My heart heaves and sighs. She surely must be a hallucination.

"Are..... you Lilly?"

Damn. I didn't notice how high the ceilings were in this room. What. My pelvis drags me forward, driving my brain. She's hooked my heart and her soul is pulling me in. I use every single bit of my concentration just to try and focus. To try and not act crazy. I slyly lean against the door and say, "Yeah, I could". James Dean ain't got nuttin' on me. "Cool, I'd like to learn so I could dance like that with my boyfriend." Cars crash into each, babies cry, and terrible screeching sirens ring out indefinitely. My heart is artfully crafted porcelain and her words are a thousand crashing hammers. Shattered. The word "boyfriend" hits me like a bowling ball hurled at my stomach and I feel my face wince up as if I just pooped myself.

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